09 marzo, 2010

Gnostic Nightmare

Gnosticism has to go to the root of evil. Our God doesn’t have anything to do with this cruel and deceiving universe, this ever-changing universe; this unreliable universe. We belong to that Unknown God living outside our cosmos; we have a spark deep in our souls that belongs to the Absolutely Alien God. The ones who have the spark are the ones who feel themselves completely alien to this world of suffering, sickness, injustice and death. We don’t believe in any religious or ideological representation. We only believe in our own revelation, our private revelation which comes in the form of dreams, legends, myths, remembrances, symbolism and archetypes. But they are private revelations that somehow represent what the Alien’s Word Pleroma is about. We, the Gnostics, the real and only Gnostics; we must get together once in a while to share our experiences. We don’t believe in any crappy religion or mystical pipe dream. We just believe in our private revelations from the Absolute Alien God.

Nesalem, the Wizard

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