17 septiembre, 2010


Reach the point in which all human ideas lose their grasp. There is nothing. Reach that point in which matter gets lost in energy and beyond. There is nothing. Nothing surrounds everything. Nothing gives birth to everything.

Let’s go into nothingness. Let’s travel to the beyond. My imagination gets wild. I can see something. There is light. There is something outside. Something. Let’s get into that something.

There is a kingdom: a well-ordered kingdom. There is a king. And further on there is a temple. The king has an army of angels. There are millions of souls. There is a law. And the law rules. Those souls know the law by heart and abide by the law. It’s a well-ordered cosmos. There is freedom under the law. No freedom is possible without a law: a divine law. The King rules with the law. There is a cosmic law. It’s Reason. Universal Reason.

The Earth has lost touch with Universal Reason. The Earth believes is surrounded by nothingness. The world breeds evil. But imagination can see the pure forms of the Kingdom of God. Imagination can reach order and peace and justice. We can grasp the pure forms of God’s kingdom. We can grasp the Law. We can experience order and balance. We are free.

I woke up in the morning and I heard the news: the economic crisis, the unemployment, the corruption, the confusion, fanaticism under religious garb. Starvation war and diseases are ravaging parts of the world. Confusion. Chicanery. Amorality.

But, there is a kingdom with millions of angels and souls living perfection. It’s real. It’s there. We can be free from turmoil and confusion. The Law breeds love, justice, and balance.

And it’s real.

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