02 agosto, 2024


I went to see Laska. She was jumping up and down in the park. She stopped and looked at me and said: 

"You look awful today." 

I said: "Would you please stop jumping? You look like a child."

And she said: When are you going to shut up and watch?" 

And she kept jumping up and down drawing with her hands random circles around the park. I went to the nearest bench and sat just watching her. The sky was blue but the sun didn't shine as it was supposed to. I wanted the sun to shine like pure darkness so everything around me could turn out to be seen under the pure darkness of heaven. That's how the truth would start shinning like hell. Suddenly Laska was in front of me, confronting me, I guessed. 

She said: "You've never being able to see the world such as it is, and instead you nag and nag like a whimpering old warlock. Why don't you play with me and learn how to jump up and down around the park until the grass changes into clouds and the clouds into grass and when the grass starts raining and the clouds growing flowers then you'll began to see the world right."

She was right. We both began to jump up and down around the park and the sunlight started fading into a melancholic green color. Suddenly thousands of sprouting flowers commenced to thicken the park green ground with a full force up into a saddening green sky and the world was transformed in such a way that meaning and sense were lost, and the only feeling left was an unexplained ecstasy in a timeless vacuum.

Laska started laughing. I stood up and left that park with the fixed idea of correcting my wrong perception of the world. I had to review the last chapters of the Book of Eleazar of Galilea before sundown and before the night carried my soul further into the abyss I could now avoid.         


Todo sistema de educación conlleva una ética y una moral implícitas. No hay referentes absolutos en ninguna moral que la justifique como tal...