16 diciembre, 2020


  It was many years ago when the snow fell softly upon the ground. I was a child and I knew quite a lot about magic. I knew things were always in the right track one way or the other. And if things were wrong I knew they'd wind up getting upright. Somehow a powerful force of goodness and nobility would set things straight when bad people or bad circunstances got on the way. The world was just like that and you never thought that things could be different. As children we went to the streets to play, we complied with what our parents said or order because the world was what it was, and it was a world of good and bad and if the bad won today, tomorrow it would have to lose thanks to that good force that was somewhere watching us and keeping the world in the right track.

As I grew up I started realizing that the forces of goodness and nobility allowed too much evil to happen before acting, for I kept thinking those forces at the end they must act. In other words it was impossible for me to understand a world without justice at the end. Yes, evil could act or made us act in the wrong way, but somewhere, anywhere, a cosmic balance was awaiting the proper moment to get things even. And that way of thinking was always there as years went by, even when other people I trusted started leaning on the side of cynicism or moral nihilism. At the same time the world never stopped giving proofs of who or what was always on command, as wars and injustices and cruel dictators, shrew delinquents or crooked politicians got the upper hand most of the time. But deep in my soul I always kept the idea that a powerful force of kindness must rule the universe never mind the time it had to remain hidden or in expectation. 

As I grew older most people I knew thought justice and goodness were just ideals that could be made real when fighting on the right side of History. But History wasn't a living thing with a conscious grasp of what was justice and unjustices, crooked or straight, good or evil. It was just an impersonal abstract force at the random disposal of anybody with real power, and that power was barely for the use of a true justice. Justice difined now by human beings not the

sight of God or Providence or something outside our caprice or influence. Those ideals of justice and goodness as historical forces led many to nihilism and dispair once Communism or any men-built utopia fell to pieces. What was left was widespread cynicism and disguised nihilism. Many others took the path of blind faith to ideology as many in the past followed the Church as a guide among darkness no matter if it was true or not.

However, for some unknown reason I keep thinking like the child I once was: there is a living force up there or anywhere who one day will set things straight in this world one way or other. A day when all explanations will be given and things will get their proper meaning.        


Todo sistema de educación conlleva una ética y una moral implícitas. No hay referentes absolutos en ninguna moral que la justifique como tal...